About Us

On behalf of its members, PMSA is engaged in community affairs and legislative and regulatory processes in California and Washington state. PMSA provides members with an array of information services, including regular updates on matters of interest to the shipping industry, and serves as a clearinghouse for environmental practices across the industry.

PMSA is an independent, not-for-profit shipping association that focuses on issues affecting international trade. PMSA members are engaged in trade primarily between Asia and the U.S. West Coast as well as Europe, the Mediterranean and South America. PMSA operates from offices in Oakland, Long Beach and Seattle, and represents owners and operators of marine terminals and U.S. and foreign vessels operating throughout the world.

Meet the PMSA Team

  • Jennifer Cohen

    Vice President, Government Relations

  • Laura Germany

    Vice President, HR & Administration

  • Michele Grubbs

    Vice President

  • Mike Jacob


  • Thomas Jelenić

    Vice President

  • Capt. Mike Moore

    Vice President

  • Jacqueline M. Moore

    Vice President

  • Jordan Royer

    Vice President, External Affairs

  • Natasha Villa

    External Affairs Manager