Jordan Royer

Vice President, External Affairs

Jordan Royer is Vice President of External Affairs of the association’s Pacific Northwest office overseeing advocacy before the ports and cities of Seattle and Tacoma, and the Washington state Legislature.

With expertise in environmental, regulatory, and homeland security issues, Jordan is a resource to members with interest or concern about local or state governmental matters. 

Jordan joined PMSA in 2007 after serving as a Senior Advisor for Public Safety to Mayor Greg Nickels of Seattle and previously as an aide to U.S. Senator Barbara Boxer. He is the Board President of the Manufacturing Industrial Council and previously served on the boards of Washington Ceasefire and Crosscut Public Media. He is a graduate of the University of Washington.

In his spare time, Jordan continues to write for Crosscut on politics, transportation, and public safety.

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Capt. Mike Moore


Thomas Jelenić