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Wine Bottles and Bladders
On January 10, 2024, in collaboration with the Port of Los Angeles, the Pacific Merchant Shipping Association hosted the 9th Annual State of the Port of Los Angeles Luncheon.
Navigating the Waves of Success
On January 10, 2024, in collaboration with the Port of Los Angeles, the Pacific Merchant Shipping Association hosted the 9th Annual State of the Port of Los Angeles Luncheon.
Flux in the Recyclable Export Trade
For all the media attention lavished on containerized imports, especially now when shipping through both the Panama and Suez Canals is under stress, we don’t hear nearly as much about what – apart from air – is in the boxes that do sail from our shores. That leaves a lot of room for speculation about containerized exports.
Roll on Columbia
We tend to overlook and therefore minimize the river ports that convey so much of America’s farm produce in bulk to overseas customers.
Thanksgiving, Apple Pie, and Tariffs
We tend to overlook and therefore minimize the river ports that convey so much of America’s farm produce in bulk to overseas customers.