Supporting the Use of Alternative Maritime Fuels in California
Jacqueline M. Moore, Vice President, Pacific Merchant Shipping Association
PMSA is proud to sponsor state legislation this year to ensure that the world’s newest, cleanest vessels can call on California’s seaports while using alternative fuels. AB 1250, authored by Assemblymember Papan, will clarify California’s existing Ocean-Going Vessel fuel regulations to make sure they align with global standards for alternative fuel usage and encourage sustainable maritime transit in state waters. The current rule, adopted in 2008, was designed for cleaner petroleum-based fuels, but greener fuels and technology have since advanced, and the vessels using these newer fuels reduce greenhouse gases and improved air quality.
As illustrated here, under the current strict interpretation of this standard by the California Air Resources Board (CARB), only ships operating with 100% diesel or 100% alternative fuels are allowed to transit within 24 nautical miles of the coastline. However, there are no such things as 100% alternative fueled ships, because these fuels require a small amount of pilot fuel to run. Unfortunately, this means that CARB views a ship operating on 90+% alternative fuel and only a small amount of pilot fuel, roughly an average of just 6%, as non-compliant with California law, despite it being the best and cleanest environmental option.
AB 1250 will clarify this outdated interpretation and its unintended consequences. California needs an updated policy that will support the use of cleaner fuels and the maritime industry's efforts to reduce emissions and meet international targets to decarbonize.