Dwell time for local cargo returns to pre-pandemic levels

November 2022

Contact: Natasha Villa


Cargo volume at San Pedro Bay ports have been dropping and container dwell times are reflecting the decline.

On average, local containersstayed on marine terminals at San Pedro ports for 2.8 days before departing, down from 3.5 days the month before. The last time local container dwell time averaged 2.8 days was in July 2020. Additionally, only 7.2% of containers exceeded five days at terminals, down from 10.9% the month before.

Container dwell time for rail-bound cargo also reflects a decrease. Dwell time was 9.1 days in November, while higher than dwell time for truck-bound containers, it is an improvement compared to 14.2 days the month before. The number of rail-bound containers exceeding five days in November was 45.2%, down from 63.2% the month before.

Container dwell time has dropped significantly and is back at pre-pandemic levels for local cargo. “Containers are no longer remaining on terminals for long periods of time, cargo is flowing, and terminals are ready to handle more cargo,” explained Jessica Alvarenga, Director of Government Affairs for the Pacific Merchant Shipping Association.


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