San Pedro Bay Ports Container Dwell Time Makes Significant Progress for Month of June

June 2023

Contact: Michele Grubbs, Vice President

Through the month of June, cargo traveling through the San Pedro Bay Port Complex and destined for local delivery via truck spent an average of 2.9 days at port terminals. The June figures held steady, from May’s average of 2.87 days. An approximate 3-day average is within the normal range and is an indicator that the supply chain is operating smoothly.

Dwell time for rail-destined cargo dropped significantly through June with cargo spending an average of 4.0 days at terminals. This marked improvement from 5.2 days through May was the lowest since January of 2022.

An important factor contributing to the average dwell time for local and rail-bound containers is the proportion of containers that dwell for five or more days. In May, 6.7% of local containers dwelled for more than five days; 23% of rail-bound containers similarly dwelled for more than 5 days.

“Our primary focus is on ensuring the efficient movement of containers through marine terminals so that imported goods can arrive at their destination in a timely manner,” stated Michele Grubbs, Vice President of the Pacific Merchant Shipping Association (PMSA). “The efficient flow of goods is critical as it ensures goods reach consumers in a timely fashion while also minimizing congestion around the ports and on the roads and highways. We are encouraged to see dwell time for both rail and truck cargo where it should be.”


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