San Pedro Bay Ports Truck and Rail Dwell Time Remains Steady

January 2024

Through the month of January, cargo traveling through the San Pedro Bay Port complex and destined for local delivery via truck spent an average of 2.89 days at port terminals. The January figures saw a very slight uptick from December’s average of 2.69 days. The January truck dwell time is within the normal range.

Dwell time for rail-destined cargo saw a small decrease in January with cargo spending an average of 4.72 days at terminals, compared to 4.98 days during the previous month. The January truck dwell time is slightly higher than the normal range.

A factor contributing to the average dwell time for local and rail-bound containers is the proportion of containers that dwell for five or more days. In January, 5.3% of local containers dwelled for more than five days; 28.5% of rail-bound containers dwelled for five or more days.

"Both truck and rail dwell times remained steady from month to month,” stated Natasha Villa, External Affairs Manager of the Pacific Merchant Shipping Association (PMSA). “Lower dwell times indicate cargo is moving through the supply chain at a good pace without delays.”

About the Pacific Merchant Shipping Association (PMSA)

The Pacific Merchant Shipping Association (PMSA) is an independent, not-for-profit association focused on global trade.  PMSA operates offices in Oakland, Long Beach and Seattle, and represents owners and operators of marine terminals and U.S. and foreign vessels operating throughout the world. 


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