Port Indirect Source Rule Newsletter #10

Newsletter 10

Dear Friends:

Welcome to the tenth installment of the Indirect Source Rule newsletter.

Despite Strong City and Port Support the Status of Proposed Voluntary Infrastructure Agreements as an Alternative to the Port Indirect Source Rule Remain in Limbo

Los Angeles Mayor Karen Bass, Long Beach Mayor Rex Richardson, the Ports of LA and Long Beach, and many other business and labor stakeholders, including PMSA, have come out in support of a collaborative approach to build zero-emissions infrastructure as an alternative to the proposed SCAQMD Ports Indirect Source Rule. Read the letter here.

Unfortunately, despite all of the progress towards an infrastructure alternative, we now have strong reason to believe that the Air District Staff is reverting back to their original plans to impose a Rule instead of taking a collaborative approach. This draft rule language, the specifics of which are unknown at this point, could be released as early as mid-February. We should learn more about what is intended from staff at their update on the subject at the SCAQMD Governing Board meeting next Friday, February 7th.The latest timeline could result in a vote on a staff-proposed rule in either August or September 2025.

This disappointing development underscores the importance of continued engagement from our coalition. Stakeholders are encouraged to provide public comment (in-person or virtually) at future Board and Committee meetings, emphasizing support for a negotiated infrastructure agreement, NOT a rule. Stay tuned for updates on upcoming meetings, including opportunities to submit public comments and to participate in working groups. For more information on how to get involved and upcoming meetings of SCAQMD committees, work groups, or the Governing Board, contact Thomas Jelenić, PMSA Vice President, at tjelenic@pmsaship.com.

Los Angeles City Leadership Reiterates Support for a Collaborative Infrastructure Alternative

During the recent State of the Port of Los Angeles, Los Angeles Deputy Mayor Rachel Freeman delivered a statement describing Mayor Bass’s support for developing a collaborative infrastructure agreement between regulators and stakeholders as an alternative to an indirect source rule:

The Mayor is very clear on her approach to getting things done. She does that through locking arms and by focusing on protecting jobs and cleaning up the air, and we can do both at the same time, but only in a collaborative approach. A collaborative approach with both our private sector partners and our regulators. That is why the Mayor and her Administration support the development of a ZE [zero-emissions] master plan under the framework of an enforceable agreement.

All of this is to help recognize and to realize the investment that we're putting into the Department of Water and Power, with an investment of a half a billion dollars that will go towards upgrading the electrical grid so that we'll have the power to charge all of the EV trucks and equipment and shoreside power that's needed for this effort.

We commend Mayor Bass for supporting a practical approach to improving our air quality and our business environment in Southern California by focusing on a collaborative agreement and not a rule. We look forward to working closely with her, her administration, the Ports, and others on an infrastructure-based approach that advances our efforts to improve air quality while safeguarding jobs. Watch Deputy Mayor Freeman’s remarks HERE. The above statement begins at 44:48.

Supply Chain Indirect Source Rules Are Part of a Pattern of SCAQMD Regulations That Increase Costs of Living and Threaten Affordability for Families in Southern California

It’s expensive to live in Southern California and the Air District’s rules and proposed rules threaten to further decrease affordability. Affordability is a top concern among Southern Californian residents. The SCAQMD Board and staff need to reassess the cost of existing and proposed programs while prioritizing practical, affordable solutions. We have and can achieve environmental progress without compromising the economic well-being of our communities.


Protecting Navigation and the Commerce Clause in 2025


Maritime Industry Supports SB 263 (Gonzalez) to Direct Evaluation of Tariff Impacts on the California Economy